October Class Challenge Winner | Marlowe Wiley!
We are thrilled to congratulate Marlowe Wiley, the winner of the October O2 Yoga Challenge! Marlowe’s dedication and perseverance throughout the month were truly inspiring, completing an incredible 108 classes in just 30 days. Her journey of transformation, both physically and mentally, is a testament to the power of yoga and commitment to self-growth. Read on to hear about Marlowe’s experience, the impact the challenge had on her health and well-being, and how O2 Yoga has become an essential part of her life.
What motivated me to get involved in the October O2 Yoga Challenge?
I was surprised to come across the O2 Challenge last fall after deciding to celebrate my birthday month with nonstop yoga… my own little Aspen yoga retreat.
I had been hiking all summer, taking four months off from yoga because I didn’t want to spend a moment indoors. Just after the last gondola ride of the season, it was back to my O2 classes… and what do you know? October 1st marked the beginning of nonstop yoga at O2! Yay!!! I felt incredible at the end of the month after completing 108 O2 classes, and on November 1st, I was on my way to another O2 yoga class. :)
How do I feel after 108 O2 classes in a single month?
I feel absolutely incredible, inside and out!
It was amazing to watch my body change from hiking Aspen Mountain all summer to doing 2 to 6 O2 classes per day. The first day back, October 1st, was comical. I looked at my core and thought, “Where did you go?” The next day, though, I started to feel everything coming back. By the end of the month, on my last day, all I could think about was when I would do my first unassisted handstand! It was truly magical! I’ve never felt better inside and out. Attending all the different O2 classes over the past year and a half has completely transformed my body, and the changes after a month of 108 classes are remarkable. I love looking in the mirror and thinking, “Oh, hi… look at that new muscle!” It has been one of the most uplifting, enjoyable, and enlightening experiences of my life.
How has this challenge impacted my overall health and well-being?
It’s truly magical. I feel complete, calm, and balanced! I started doing yoga in April 2023, and when I took two O2 classes in a row, I was hooked! The changes I started to see in my body and how I felt mentally were astonishing. In the first class, I felt like I was just warming up, ready to dive deeper in the second class, and that’s when I saw the true transformation. I’ve always been mindful of what I put in my body and have worked hard on self-growth my whole life, but this is next level! The work I put in mentally and physically hiking up Ajax all summer was the perfect catalyst for diving deep into the O2 classes and releasing the emotional "muck" we store in the crevices of our bodies from past trauma. We all have it… so why hold on to it? I wish I had known about this sweet little secret years ago, but it’s never too late!
I am excited for every moment of growth that happens in every O2 class I take.
O2 feels like my second home now—warm, welcoming, and empowering. At the end of every class, I feel ready to face the world! I am so grateful for all of the staff, yoga instructors, and my yoga friends for their love and support, not just during the challenge, but every day I get to attend class at O2. It truly is the highlight of my day! Everyone at O2 works so hard to make each person who walks through their doors feel welcome, safe, and heard. You simply can’t leave there without feeling like you just gave yourself the best gift of your life—self-care and love! I could not be more grateful for the lessons I’ve learned from each instructor, both physical and mental. My time spent at O2 has been life-changing, and I am so thankful!
Even when you think you’re good, you could always be better!
It starts with showing up and doing the work, because no one else will do it for you…
Well, at least you won’t get the same results! ;)
My heart to yours,
Marlowe Wiley