MesoGlow® Pro is a professional medical microneedling paired with a proprietary custom cocktail of powerful active ingredients. This cosmetic treatment stimulates the production of collagen. The result is more healthy, vibrant and supple skin with fewer lines and a luminous glow. Treats age spots, melasma, hyperpigmentation, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, dramatically improves the appearance of pores, tone & texture. Completely safe immediately post botox or fillers. Are you a candidate? MesoGlow® is safe for all skin types. Because it is minimally invasive and doesn’t cause significant damage to the skin, virtually anybody can safely undergo MesoGlow® therapy. MesoGlow® Pro will result in redness, swelling, and peeling day 1-4 depending on the client and the needle depth. A medical waiver will be presented upon arrival. (*Aspen Only.)
60 minutes: $800